Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Maybe it's because I stayed away in a hotel last night and had eight and a half hours unbroken sleep (!!),
maybe it's because I swam in the hotel pool late yesterday evening and also again early this morning (and I love the virtue of exercise combined with the rhythmic mediative quality of gently swimming)
maybe it's because I spent the day at a conference on housing options for people with learning disabilities (and I was able to drop some of my prejudices and concerns about what was achievable)
But, today, I feel switched on and excited about my role at work. I see possibilities and opportunities to make a difference - to how we work and to people's lives. I am glad that I work in the industry that I do - and whether it is in my current role as project manager or in my substantive role as community team manager, I can see how I can make a difference.

(I hope I still feel like this tomorrrow!)

1 comment:

Richard G. Clegg said...

I think it's just good for you to get some "self" time when you're not being mum. Swimming really is very relaxing. Did you get my email the other day? Richard